Cable Home Technician Visit Reduction – Our client is one of the nation’s largest providers of at-home communications, namely cable television, high-speed internet and digital phone services. With over 30 million subscribers this company is one of the leaders. This client provides support and service through all channels: phone, chat, and email. When contact center agents are unable to resolve issues the next step is to send a technician to the customers home, at a significant cost to our client.
Technician visits are expensive to this client, and often technician visits are unnecessary. The client engaged BPA Quality to identify strategies to reduce the number of service calls in total as well as a percentage of customer contacts.

Through remote call monitoring, BPA analysts were able to identify and profile behaviors, words, phrases and situations that increased the chances of an erroneous outcome that resulted in the scheduling of a technician home visit. BPA speech analysts then built queries that searched for these parameters to identify these calls shortly after the calls had taken place.

Ability to understand the root 1 cause of agent troubleshooting issues.
Development of strategies to head off unnecessary technician visits.
Continued supporting efforts through agent training designed specifically to address these troubleshooting issues.
BPA Analysts were able to use this process to identify targeted calls that should have been resolved over the initial phone call.
These calls were segregated and referred to a third tier support for the client, which resulted in call backs to clients, resolution over the phone and a reduction in technician home visits.
Since implementing these strategies, the company has reduced their technician visits by 17% in supported markets for these call types. The client is also using this strategy to test for additional reductions for other issues by any root cause.